This is My Story
A warm welcome to a seasoned plate, my humble kitchen where I cook, churn memories and share little snippets from my life in Calgary. The flavours on my seasoned plate are delectable, deep and filled with the magic of spices revealing not the fiery heat as it is usually looked upon, but aromatics that will arouse your senses.
The recipes you’ll find here are fun, comfort food and easy, with occasional African influences from my Zimbabwean upbringing, my husband’s Italian background, and a touch of Canadian influences here and there. My hope is to inspire and share recipes that bring ingredients to life and help you create unique experiences that celebrate food, culture and inspire a tasteful lifestyle into your home cooked meals.
I love supporting local, exploring seasonal local farmer’s market produce and goods to create healthy, balanced, comforting and flavourful dishes. As you can imagine, after living in Canada for so many years, the food I now cook in my home is an adaptation of what I grew up with and cherish, with a fusion of bold flavours that will open your palette to a brand-new world of experiences.
Join me on my journey and I hope you’ll stay for awhile!